The main account of the Angel’s Wings Foundation (Anjelské Krídla Foundation) SK37 1100 0000 0029 4603 3398
A transparent account of the Angel’s Wings Foundation established on 19.11.2020 SK23 8330 0000 0027 01895491
Darovanie cez PayPal
If the donor has decided to send a charitable donation to a particular child, it is always necessary to include the name of the person to whom the donation is addressed in the payment. If the donor forgets to mention the name of the person to who’s account will the charitable donation be sent by the Foundation, the donor should contact the Foundation to assign the payment at info@nadaciaanjelskekridla.sk Other unnamed charitable donations that are intended to be used for helping people will be distributed by the Foundation to specific families as deemed appropriate and necessary. The Foundation has a main account, a transparent account, and a Paypal account. You can also find out more about the Foundation’s activities on the Angel’s Wings Foundation’s FB and Instagram. “ Nothing in life happens by chance, but we still have the right to make a decision „. We have chosen a difficult path, but an incredibly beautiful one. We, the ANGEL’S WINGS FOUNDATION, feel a sense of mission in giving non-profitable help to the people who need it the most. We help severely ill children and their families, people in existential hardship, and mothers taking care of ill children. We do various projects. We are focusing on humanitarian aid for people. Everyone in the Foundation works as a volunteer, without any remuneration. The foundation is apolitical. We help within our means, thanks to the non-profitable support of donors and thanks to 2% of tax donations used to help people. The Foundation does not receive any subsidies from the government.
Relaxačné, ozdravovacie
a rehabilitačné pobyty
Nadácia poskytuje túto výpomoc v rámci jej možností.
Pred tým, ako sme sa všetci narodili, naplánovali sme si, čo sa máme v najbližšom živote naučiť. Naučiť sa s pokorou a úctou prijímať životnú cestu a pomáhať tým, ktorí sú na to odkázaní.
Nie všetci máme tú možnosť vychutnávať si dni bez bolesti a trápenia. Počúvajme naše srdcia, odpovedia nám na všetko. Doprajme šťastie a úsmev aj iným.
Keď pomôžeme, meníme svet okolo nás. Každá jedna aj maličká pomoc, posúva tento svet vpred a dáva nádej a žiarivú iskričku v očiach.
Život je zázrak. Konajme spolu ZÁZRAKY.